Grief Support Group in Fort Lauderdale

Life After Loss: Widows’ Wellness Group


Screaming in your head for weeks now – waking up after having barely slept, craving only to crawl back into bed – why does life, in fact, go on? A harsh reality to someone who has lost a loved one is that indeed we must keep moving forward even through the times we want to languish. And you will go on with life. In these small, still moments, the question rises again in your mind:

“Does anyone understand how I feel?”

Friends and family care, but they don’t know how to help. It seems the people closest to you, ironically, only make things worse when they offer trite advice or old adages like, “Time heals all wounds.”

What is healing, anyhow? You’ve lost the most important person in your world. How do you heal from that? Is that even possible?

With all the chaos swirling around inside your head, and the heaviness of your loss weighing down on your every thought and action like a backpack full of bricks, you start to believe this pain will never go away. How are you supposed to go on living your life like this? Yet again, the haunting query rises within:

“Does anyone understand how I feel?”

The answer is YES.

Someone understands how you feel, because she, too, has suffered seemingly insurmountable loss. She woke up this morning to see the world still turning and wished she could crawl back into bed, too.

Like you, this person silently withstands the not-so-helpful words of intended but misguided “comfort” from her friends and family.

Who is this person who understands your experience of sorrow so intimately?
Like you, this person is now a member of the club none of us signed up to join. She is a widow. And guess what? Just like you need her, she needs you.

The Life After Loss Widows’ Wellness Group began with a room of four brave women and has evolved into countless gatherings of unconditional support and a commitment to walk through grief alongside one another.

In this eight-week group, you will learn to give yourself permission to grieve at your own pace, in your own time, as there is no right or wrong way to grieve. You will walk into a room full of strangers on Week 1 and walk out of a room full of friends on Week 8. Women who not only know your story, but have witnessed, firsthand, your journey in reclaiming your story as one of life and not mere existence.

The pain of your loss is overwhelming, but it is not meant to be carried alone. Joining this group is your first step toward whatever next chapter awaits.