Family Therapy in Fort Lauderdale

Working Together to Strengthen Family Bonds

Everyone wants to be part of a happy family — but even the happiest family may not be happy all the time. Sometimes life gets in the way, creating conflicts among parents, children, siblings, or relatives. If you and your loved ones are hurting because of a problem that has disrupted your unity as a family, family therapy can heal the damage and help you find wonderful new ways to strengthen your mutual bond.

Why Families Hurt — and How They Can Heal

A family can serve as a bubbling cauldron of emotions, needs, and challenges, with each family member bringing new (and not always healthy) ingredients to the “stew.” Grief, anger, misunderstanding, and stress can all lead to painful breakdowns in communication and empathy within the family. Your family might be hurting due to issues such as:

  • Disagreements between parents and children
  • Rivalries between brothers and/or sisters
  • Substance abuse or dependence in any member of the family
  • Behavioral problems in school or at home
  • Strained communications with more distant members of the family
  • Money problems, or fights over money problems
  • A family member struggling with an emotional disorder or mental illness
  • Separation, divorce, or other changes that threaten to break up the family
  • Illness, death, and other causes of family grief

By the way, your family doesn’t have to conform to traditional definitions of that term. Your family can include any close circle of support, regardless of whether you’re related by blood or marriage. Any family can take advantage of family therapy to rebuild their bonds and ease their pain.

Each individual in a family unit may have his or her own perspective on why a conflict started, how it developed, who is involved in it, and where it’s headed. I may listen to each of these perspectives separately as well as bringing them into family sessions for discussion. This isn’t a time for casting blame or deciding who’s right and who’s wrong — only for listening, comprehension, empathy, and reconciliation.

While not every family conflict can find its resolution through family therapy, you may be astonished at how much good these sessions can do. I’ll help you understand both your family’s great strengths and areas of your interaction that could become stronger. As you and your loved ones learn more and more about how each other truly feels and why, long-held misunderstandings that caused relationship conflicts can begin to work themselves out. 

Let Me Help You Help Your Family

Your family is so important to you, and you’re just as important to them, even when tensions obscure those family bonds. I can give you and your loved ones a chance to make your family stronger than ever before. Let me help you help your family!

Let’s Start Today.

If you’re interested in achieving a happier and stronger family dynamic, call me today at 754-300-6232 for a free phone consultation.